Role: Co-producer, Director, Lead Programmer

ACS | Challenge II

iPad Application

The American Chemical Society is the world’s largest scientific society. Their services promote the advancement of the larger chemistry enterprise and its practitioners. The ACS Publications Challenge is the second iPad activity that I worked on for ACS. Both activities are designed to let conference attendees have fun while learning about the publication services ACS offers the scientific community. Attendees are presented with a series of multiple choice questions that test their knowledge of best practices for preparing articles for publication. An animated character asks the questions, responds to answers and guides us through the activity. Videos of publication experts slide onto the screen and either reinforce correct answers, or explain what the response should have been. The animated character walks from one question to another, encountering various graphics that promote some of the ACS publications. At the end of the game, players are given their final score.

Role: Co-producer, Director, Lead Programmer

Role: Co-producer, Director, Lead Programmer

The ACS Challenge II was produced by Insitu Experience a small multimedia company where I was a co-principal. Working with our client within ACS, we developed activity requirements, production timeline and budget. The interface components and character animation was realized in collaboration with our animator and approved by the client. I programmed all interactivity and animation triggers.

Technologies: Adobe Flash Builder, ActionScript 3.0

 The start screen has an animated character that moves around the screen making various gestures, while waiting for someone to press the start button.

The start screen has an animated character that moves around the screen making various gestures, while waiting for someone to press the start button.

 After pressing start, the character walks into the first scene and poses a question.

After pressing start, the character walks into the first scene and poses a question.

 Conference attendees are prompted to select and drag the correct answer to the thought bubble.

Conference attendees are prompted to select and drag the correct answer to the thought bubble.

 If the answer is correct, the character celebrates. If not, it becomes sad and shakes his head.

If the answer is correct, the character celebrates. If not, it becomes sad and shakes his head.

 A video with a publishing advisor then slides on. If the answer was correct, the video presenter reinforces the answer. If not, the presenter explains the correct answer.

A video with a publishing advisor then slides on. If the answer was correct, the video presenter reinforces the answer. If not, the presenter explains the correct answer.

 The character walks into the next scene and presents the next question. This repeats until the end of the activity. The attendee is presented with their score.

The character walks into the next scene and presents the next question. This repeats until the end of the activity. The attendee is presented with their score.